Providing valuation services to over 98% of Australia’s population, our expert team can help you make informed decisions to obtain maximum value. Ready to get your expert advice? Request a valuation from our team today.
For some organisations, a valuation may be required within your financial reports to state your organisation’s investment in its property, plant and equipment assets and the changes in such investments.
Our financial valuation service strictly adheres to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). Our services include:
- Valuation of property, plant and equipment
- Providing base data to create an asset register including asset tagging
- Asset register reconciliation
These services can be provided for the following purposes:
- Financial reporting
- Acquisitions and mergers
- Takeovers
- Acquisition due diligence
- Pre-deal evaluation
- Audit taxation – depreciation, capital gains and fringe benefits
- Divestments corporate finance (Herron Todd White is on the panel of most lending institutions)
- Restructuring

Commercial Property Valuations
We are committed to providing commercial property valuations of superior quality.
Residential Property Valuations
Our residential property valuers are on the cutting edge of today’s dynamic market.
Rural Property Valuations
Our rural valuation network covers all sectors of agribusiness.
Plant and Equipment Valuations
Our plant and equipment valuers provide expert valuation and asset management advice.
Family Law Valuations
Achieve successful property outcomes when navigating the family law process.
Self Managed Super Funds
At Herron Todd White, our property valuers are SMSF Assessment Experts.
Taxation Advisory
Only professionally qualified property valuers can provide taxation advisory.
Monthly Property Reports
Identify the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia.